
RDistParNelderMead: MPI-Based Distributed Memory Parallel Nelder-Mead Method for R

Do you need R library for unconstrained minimization of high-dimensional functions? If so, you may be interested in my project RDistParNelderMead for faster and more memory efficient unconstrained high-dimensional minimization: Any comment is highly appreciated.

Linux memo

Convert pdf to png (one page of pdf, one png): pdftoppm -png [pdf file name] [png file name prefix] From Convert all jpg in one directory to pdf (one jpg, one page of pdf): convert *.jpg [Output pdf name] Combine multiple pdf to one pdf: pdftk [First pdf name] ... [Last pdf name] cat output [Output pdf name]

Latex memo

Numbering equations in align environment In align environment, all equations are numbered by default, use \nonumber to make equation on the same line not numbered. Example: Code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{align} \frac{w^* +\delta V_u^1}{r + \delta} &= V_u^{0} \nonumber \\ w^* &= r V_u^1 - \frac{b(r + \delta)}{1 + r} \end{align} \end{document} Result: In align* environment, all equations are not numbered by default, how about we want to make one equation numbered? Is there any analog of \nonumber? From Ian Thompson at , we can add the following command before the document begins: \newcommand\numberthis{\addtocounter{equation}{1}\tag{\theequation}} % From Ian Thompson at Then, we can use \numberthis to make equation on the same line numbered in ...

Stability of steady-state equilibrium for overlapping generation model

This is a summary of discussion with Alecos Papadopoulos at as well as from what I learnt and thought in my graduate macroeconomics class. Draft version. You are welcome to go to to comment and answer. In draft edition of Daron Acemoglu's Introduction to Modern Economic Growth (2007), proposition 9.4 which states that: In the overlapping-generations model with two-period lived households, Cobb-Douglas technology and CRRA preferences, there exists a unique steady-state equilibrium with the capital-labor ratio k* given by (9.15) and as long as $\theta \geq 1$ , this steady-state equilibrium is globally stable for all k (0) > 0. has a typo. In 2009 edition of the textbook, proposition 9.4 is corrected to: In the overlappin...